
HKU on Coronavirus (Jan 22 - Feb 23)



HKU in the news (Jan 22-Feb 23)

Feb 23 HKU virologist thinks that the goal for Hong Kong is to get most of its residents, ideally 60 or 70 percent of the total population, vaccinated by the end of 2021 (Professor Jin Dongyan) (link)

Feb 23 HKUMed research led by epidemiologist Benjamin Cowing suggests schools may see a burst of the common cold when they reopen (Professor Benjamin Cowling) (link)

Feb 22 HKUMed will build local database to trace and conduct research on recipients of COVID-19 vaccination (link)

Feb 22 HKU Dean of Medicine warns people against rushing out in "retaliatory consumption" following the relaxation of epidemic measures, saying indicators point to a rise in cases (Professor Gabriel Leung) (link)

Feb 18 HKU clinical virologist called on the government to publish Sinovac’s new data (Professor Siddharth Sridhar) (link)

Feb 18 An online survey on citizens’ perceptions on COVID-19 vaccination by HKU showed that around 40 percent of Hong Kong citizens are willing to be vaccinated now if an authorized vaccine is available to them (link)

Feb 15 Government plans to increase testing capacity of HKU-developed COVID-19 sewage surveillance work (link)

Feb 14 HKU team partners with HK government partners to develop contact-tracing app "LeaveHomeSafe" with automatic Bluetooth devices (link)