HKU on Coronavirus (Mar 19 - 25)
2020-03-30HKU in the news (Mar 19 - 25)
Mar 25 HKU microbiologist Dr Ho Pak-leung warns that Hong Kong must introduce a basket of "lockdown-style" measures to force people to keep their distance from each other (Professor Ho Pak-leung) (link)
Mar 24 HKUMed study finds COVID-19 patients may be most infectious in first week of symptoms (Professor To Kai-wang) (link)
Mar 22 HKU Dean of Medicine urges citizens to exercise self-discipline and reduce unnecessary commuting and suggests to close bars and restaurants if Hong Kong citizens keep going out (Professor Gabriel Leung) (link)
Mar 21 HKUMed telephone survey reveals a drop in people staying away from crowded places showing people less vigilant on preventive measures at individual level against COVID-19 (link)
Mar 20 HKU public health virologist Professor Malik Peiris helps analyze the specimen of the 2nd dog tests positive for COBID-19 and believes it is human-to-dog transmission (Professor Malik Peiris) (link)
Mar 19 HKU microbiologist Dr Ho Pak-leung warns there may be over 200 new cases of COVID-19 in the coming 2 weeks, urging people under quarantine to stay in hotels (Professor Ho Pak-leung) (link)