NOMINATION NOTICE - Executive Committee Session 2020 - 2022
2020-10-29Executive Committee Session 2020 - 2022
HKUGA is inviting nominations for the election of the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong University Graduates Association 2020 - 2022.
The Executive Committee of the Association shall comprise the following officers:
- a President;
- a Vice-President (Internal);
- a Vice-President (External);
- a General Secretary;
- a Treasurer;
- Committee Members (with or without functional description).
The Executive Committee shall have the responsibility for the overall management of the affairs, administration and operation of the Association, and shall be the overall governing body. The Executive Committee shall consist of at least 7 but no more than 21 members elected by the Association. A majority of the Executive Members must be permanent residents of Hong Kong. The Executive Committee is responsible for carrying out functions to implement the objectives of the Association and resolutions passed in its General Meetings. Any member interested in joining the Executive Committee should pay attention to the following:
- The President of the Association shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting from among Life or Full members of the Association. He or she shall have been a member of the Executive Committee of the Association for not less than three years.
- The Vice-Presidents of the Association shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting from among Life or Full members of the Association. They shall have been members for not less than three years and shall have been members of the Executive Committee of the Association for not less than two years.
- A candidate for election as the President or Vice-President must be nominated by one and seconded by another Life or Full Member of the Association and must have given his/her consent to accept the post if elected. Such proposal must be sent to General Secretary not less than 21 days before the Annual General Meeting, that is before 4th November 2020.
- All nominations shall post on the Web Site of the Association. At the Annual General Meeting the President and Vice-Presidents shall be elected by ballot from among such nominees.
- The General Secretary, Treasurer and the Executive Committee members shall be elected by ballot at the Annual General Meeting from among Life or Full Members of the Association. All Executive Committee Members so elected shall have been members of the Association for not less than two years. Candidates for election must be present at the meeting or have indicated in writing to their proposers and seconders their willingness to serve in their respective posts.
- The President, Vice Presidents, General Secretary and Treasurer shall each respectively hold office for two years or until they resign by notice in writing pursuant to Article 44 (b).
- All nominations should be made on a hard copy of the nomination form, which can be requested by sending an email to, and the form should be sent to the General Secretary, 17/F, Jie Yang Building, No. 271 Lockhart Road, Wan chai before the nomination period ends on 4th November 2020. An e-mail confirming the receipt of a nomination will be sent to the nominees concerned after the nomination is received.
- For any nominee who wants to withdraw the nomination, he/she should send an email addressed to the General Secretary at
- The election for the Executive Committee will be held at the Annual General Meeting on 24th November 2020.
Hong Kong University Graduates Association